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Begampur Science Society

Exploring the Nexus of Science, Culture, and Health for a Brighter Tomorrow.

About Us

Science clubs are organizations (in our case based at a particular school) intended to provide opportunities for students to explore science. The clubs are usually initiated by an educator/learners at a particular school, science communicator/educator / parent or a scientist/engineer. No two clubs are the same, mainly because they are run by different people, in different environments, for different children and while some clubs focus on science broadly, others focus a particular field e.g. astronomy, physics or biotechnology. Certainly all science clubs fuel the wonder and the joy of learning science in interactive, fun, informative, challenging and informal ways.

Our Activities

Science & Technology

Art & Cultural

Health Care

Social & Environment

Welcome to Explore Our Library

Welcome to our Society’s eBook Library, a digital treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration at your fingertips. In this virtual haven, you’ll discover a diverse collection of literary gems that cater to a multitude of interests and passions. From our thought-provoking magazines to our extensive range of educational and scientific books, we’ve meticulously curated this library to empower and enlighten our members. Whether you seek enlightenment, entertainment, or edification, our eBook Library is your gateway to a world of ideas, waiting to be explored. So, come in, browse our virtual shelves, and embark on an enriching journey through the pages of our digital collection.

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Our Aims & Objectives :-

  • To make the people conscious about the utilization of natural resources for the interest of the society.
  • To inspire about the uses of Science & Technology in daily life.
  • To develop the awareness of the people about environment, Public health etc. To educate the people about the harmful effects of different products which are produced or made by the monopoly capitalist of our country and abroad, specially by Multinational Corporation.
  • To encourage innovative, fundamental, scientific research and developments.
  • To continue the struggle for scientific education in mother tongue.
  • To launch movement against fundamentalism, superstition and unscientific ideas.
  • To oppose the implementation of any technology that is against the interest of society.
  • To create movement for peoples oriented science and technology policies.
  • To publish popular science magazine, science related books, monographs, pamphlets, etc regularly.
  • To take necessary program against the use of science and technology in war to destroy the human civilization.
  • To implement the projects and programs for the attainment of self-reliance of the country and to help reach its benefits to the people.

Affiliated by :-

Science popularization was not a totally new concept to the people of West Bengal in 1986 when Paschim Banga Vigyam Mancha (PBVM) started function. The doyens of our renaissance were involved in this social reform work even in early nineteenth century. The only difference is that PBVM initiated an organized People’s Science Movement. More than three decade has passed since its inception and now no one will deny that PBVM is a name in this field of science popularization not in West Bengal but also in India. PBVM is the largest people science organization in India with membership exceeding 3.42 lakhs. In the twenty two Districts of West Bengal, most of the Blocks of the State, in the research Institutes and Universities have their respective units/committees of Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha. Millions of people of West Bengal are very much familiar with the name PBVM because of its sustained various type of activities which relates with all walks of life. PBVM has been awarded National Award for best effort in Science Popularization in India during the period 1985-89, by the Department. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

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Begampur Science Society